Format of 2016 Playoffs


Format of 2016 Playoffs

Selection of 2016 Australian Open, Women’s and Senior Teams


The format for the Australian Open Team Selection Playoffs to be held from 6-11 February 2016 will follow the guidelines set out for the 2015 Australian Open Team Selection in February 2015.  The details of the format will be reviewed and fine-tuned in consultation with players.

The formats for the Australian Senior and Women’s Team Selection Playoffs to be held from 12-17 March 2016 will also be similar to 2015.

These proposed formats will be available on the Playoff website soon. Feedback will be invited.

Target Event

The target event for the Australian Open, Women’s and Senior Teams is the 2016 World Bridge Games will be staged in Wroclaw, Poland, from 3rd – 17th September at the Hala Stulecia, or Centennial Hall 

Entering the Open Playoffs

Entries to the Open Playoff will open on Saturday December 12 and close at 6.00pm AEDST on Friday January 15, 2016 Sunday January 17, 2016.


Selection of 2017 Australian Teams


As previously announced, new formats will be used at the Australian Open, Women’s & Seniors Selection Events to be held in November & December 2016.  These events will select the representative teams for 2017.

4 November, 2015

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