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Bridge and Mental Health

The photo under the heading Bridge and Mental Health is of Warren Buffett (second from left) and Bill Gates (right) are among those for whom bridge plays a role in staying mentally sharp according to the story below A Bridge to Brainpower.

Bridge is a mind sport believed to improve memory, concentration, problem solving, team work and most importantly socialisation to improve mental health in the community.

Numerous papers have been written on the relationship between mind games and mental health and more research is currently being undertaken. A number of articles are included and if you have any further research please send it to marketing@abf.com.au

Professor Samantha Punch of Stirling University and Dr Caroline Small, EBED Trustee

EBED Health & Wellbeing Research

Results of Survey on Wellbeing and Bridge

PhD Funding for the Sociology of Bridge

Individual wellbeing and bridge; an empirical Analysis

Bridge Players secret to longevity (featuring Bill Gates & Warren Buffett)

Well-being, Social Participation and Bridge

A Bridge to Brainpower

Six things you can do to reduce your risk of dementia

Online brain training, does it make you smarter

Boosting your brain power as you age

7 Ways to keep your memory sharp at any age

Mortality Predictors

Kenmore Bridge Club

Video on Community

Case for Community Space for new bridge club

Pompano bridge club members are older, but they’re also wiser – a cute video

Half of women ‘will develop dementia or Parkinson’s or have a stroke’

Beating the Isolation

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