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Eligibility to represent Australia


 1.1     Only financial members of the ABF Masterpoint Scheme are eligible.

1.2     An eligible person must also be able to establish one or more of the following:

a)      Is eligible to hold an Australian passport and demonstrably regards Australia as his/her home, even though he/she might spend much of his/her time working overseas

b)     Is an Australian citizen enrolled on the Australian federal and/or Australian State/Territory electoral roll(s)

c)      Is of dual citizenship (holds an Australian passport and the passport of another country) and demonstrably regards Australia as home, even though he/she might spend much of his/her time working overseas

d)     Is of any nationality and holds a current Australian visa issued for a period of not less than three years

e)      Is a current temporary resident, and can satisfy the ABF Management Committee that he/she will be eligible to, and is in the process of becoming, a permanent Australian resident

f)      Is of a nationality that does not require an Australian visa to reside in Australia and demonstrably regards Australia as home

g)     Is of a nationality that does not require an Australian visa to work in Australia and demonstrably earns a significant proportion of his/her livelihood in Australia

1.3     In WBF events WBF regulations relating to a player’s eligibility to represent Australia will prevail.

1.4     Any players (including youth players) who seek to represent another NBO in an international (target) event in a calendar year are ineligible to seek (via an Australian Playoff) to represent Australia in the same target event in the same calendar year.

1.5     In the case of dispute, interpretation of these regulations is at the absolute discretion of the ABF Management Committee. Any player in doubt about his eligibility to represent Australia in any calendar year must seek clarification from the Chairman of the ABF Tournament Committee on or before 31 December of the previous year; the Chairman may in turn seek guidance from the ABF Management Committee.

March, 2014

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