7th World Youth Transnational Bridge Championships
Expressions of Interest for Australian Youth Pairs
The 7th World Youth Transnational Bridge Championships is to be held in Palazzo dei Congressi, Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.
Australia plans to send participants to Italy for the World Youth Transnational Bridge Championships held from 7th August – 14th August 2022.
This announcement is to call for expressions of interest from pairs in U31, U26 and U21 categories, although U31 will only receive a partial subsidy (entry fees and uniform).
All players nominating must be eligible to play for Australia as per the ABF’s Eligibility to Represent Australia Policy. Players under the age of 18 must have the parent fill out the Australian Team Youth Representative Parental Consent Form. Below are age limit cut offs for relevant categories:
Under 31: for players born on or after 1st January 1992
Under 26 Open: for players born on or after 1st January 1997
Under 21: for players born on or after 1st January 2002
Expressions of interest will be assessed on below selection criteria as well as overseeing play where necessary.
- The names of both players in the partnership, how long they have been playing for and any partnership experience.
- System Card and notes
- Any regular participation in youth events and ANC’s (including trials)
- If you plan to play in any future youth events (ANC & Youth Week)
- What time you have each given back to youth bridge
- Will you commit to regular practice overseen by a mentor?
- Why are you interested in competing with your partner in this event
Selections will be recommended to the ABF Boards by a selection panel headed by Justin Mill. The ABF will provide a subsidy to each successfully selected player.
Nominations should include a statement addressing the selection criteria, and shall be emailed to youth@abf.com.au prior to 5pm AEST Tuesday 31st May 2022.
The successful pairs will be announced Monday 20th June 2022.
Posted in Latest News on May 11, 2022