ZONE 7 Seniors Playoff


ZONE 7 Seniors Playoff

The ZONE 7 Seniors Play-off between Australia and New Zealand will be played on RealBridge on

Tuesday 16th May, start 11am AEST, 2 X 14 boards, and

Saturday 20th May, start 11am AEST, 2 X 14 boards.

This play-off is required by the WBF to satisfy WBF Zonal Play-off Rules. The Play-offs in the Open, Women and Mixed sections will take place in Hong Kong following the APBF Championships starting 9 June.

Kibitzing will be available to all with the usual 30 minute delay.


 Australia is represented by Avi Kanetkar and David Beauchamp, Stephen Burgess and Gabi Lorentz, Paul Lavings and Robert Krochmalik

New Zealand will be represented by Jane and John Skipper and Julie Atkinson and Patrick Carter.



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