Bushfire Appeal – How to Donate


Bushfire Appeal – How to Donate

Club Events

The  ABF Council has given their support to the bushfire appeal by endorsing clubs and state bodies running a maximum of a 2 session B4 fund raising event to take place before the 31st December 2013 with the cost of the masterpoints for such event being waived by the ABF.

We ask that any club or organisation who elects to run this event, sends an email to the ABF National Marketing Officer (Sandra Mulcahy) at marketing@abf.com.au to let us know what funds were raised so that we can keep a barometer on our web site.

Any specific details about the running of this charity event, will be made available by the Manager of our Masterpoint Centre, Dave Weston, however he has provided the below as a minimum.

Clubs will need to send their awards to their respective State Masterpoint Secretaries (SMPS), who will then process the awards similar to any other congress.  Dave has set up event code 91B – Bushfire Appeal, against club 9-937 ABF Charity Events.  The SMPS can then upload the awards against this club, with this event code.  Then the cost of the awards will simply be billed to the ABF, so clubs will not get charged.

We wish you every success with the roll-out of this initiative and look forward to congratulating you all on the total amount raised.

How to donate

People wishing to support the victims of the Coonabarabran fires can donate to the Warrumbungle Shire Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal.

Donations can be accepted either electronically using the details below, at any CBA branch, or at the Shire’s Coonabarabran and Coolah offices.

Account Name: Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal
BSB: 062-524 Account: 10133579
Bank: Commonwealth Bank

Members of the public can also make donations to assist NSW RFS firefighters.

These are tax deductible and can be made by one of two methods. Those who do not have access to a cheque book or money order can email their contact details to donations@rfs.nsw.gov.au and an RFS staff member will contact them to accept a donation over the phone.

A receipt will be mailed for taxation purposes. Alternatively, a cheque or money order can be sent to: RFS and Brigades (Volunteer) Donations Fund Rural Fire Service Locked Mail Bag 17 GRANVILLE NSW 2142

The Rural Fire Service recommends that people check the details of anyone fundraising or seeking donations to ensure that their generous support goes to accredited organisations or charities

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