What should I bid? (February 2021)


What should I bid? (February 2021)

The best submission for February came from Henry. He wins a voucher of $30 funded by TBIB, toward any purchase made at the Bridge Shop or Paul Lavings Bridgegear.

All Vul
S Dealer
K J 7 4
K 7 2
K 5 4 3
J 7
10 9 8 6
J 10
J 10 8 7
K 10 2
[ 7 ] 2
A Q 9 8 6 3
A Q 6 2
6 3
  A Q 5 3
5 4
A Q 9 8 5 4

West North East South
Pass 1 2 3
Pass 4 All Pass  

Hi Andy,

As South, I jumped to 3 after partner’s 1 response with a 5-loser hand and my 6-4 shape. Didn’t end well, -2. Putting aside the baddish trump split and offside honours, was my jump to 3 warranted? Thanks as always.


Hi Henry,

I think the auction is all entirely reasonable, and it was just unlucky that everything was on the wrong side! Some might say South is worth only a 2 raise (I think it’s more like a 3.5 spade raise!), but even if South had bid 2, North will be inviting game and South will no doubt accept it – so all routes should lead to the unlucky 4.

Kind regards

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