What should I bid? (October 2018)


What should I bid? (October 2018)

The best submission for October came from Kaiping Chen. He wins a voucher of $30 funded by TBIB, toward any purchase made at the Bridge Shop or Paul Lavings Bridgegear.

Nil Vul
W Dealer
J 10 9 6 3
9 3
7 2
Q 10 8 5
K 7 4
A 8 7 6 4 2
A 3
6 3
[ 8 ] A 8 5 2
K Q J 10 8 6
7 2
K Q J 5
9 5 4
A K J 9 4


West North East South
1 Pass 1 2
X 3 3 Pass
3 Pass 4 Pass
4 All Pass    


X=Support X, shows three spades

1) What went wrong here?

2) What is the definition of 3 by East in the context of a two over one system? What is the best bid by East after 3?

3) After Easts’s 3, West bid 3, and after East’s 4, West continued with 4. Can you comment on this?

Hi Kevin,

1) The wheels probably fell off when the partnership misunderstood about the nature of the 3 bid (is it forcing? Does it imply a fifth spade?)

2) I think the 3 bid by East should not promise a fifth spade, likely shows 6+ diamonds and is not forcing (but not weak by any means, it is constructive, something like 7-10 points). If East wanted to force in spades or has a good hand in general, he should double 3 first (which is takeout/showing values). This is one of those special cases where a new suit is not forcing by responder, as he may have a hand that wasn’t strong enough to bid 2-minor on the first round and reverse into spades later (thus had to respond 1 first with four spades. In an auction like this, for responder to force, he will have to double first.

3) I won’t need to talk about the rest of the auction, since the misunderstanding came from the 3 bid. If EW were on the same page about the 3 bid, then of course West would have passed 3 given that he has a minimum opening hand.

Hope that helps,


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