What should I bid? (October 2013)
The best submission for October came from Justin Howard. He wins a voucher of $30 funded by TBIB, toward any purchase made at the Bridge Shop or Paul Lavings Bridge Books.
Dealer at favourable vulnerability:
♥ –
♦ AJ9873
♣ KJ9742
1♦ | 2♦* | 5♥ | |
6♠ | ? |
5♥ = I can basically make 5♥ (9-10 Tricks – solid tricks or something tactical)
What do you do?
Hi Justin,
Interesting problem 🙂
Given that we’re favourable, I’m going to go out on the limb and bid 7♥. I’m guessing LHO’s second suit is clubs and it feels like the opponents can still make 12 tricks on a cross-ruff even on a trump lead. Therefore, I hope to either push them into 7♠ in which I will lead a trump (unless partner doubles it to indicate a [club] void, but RHO may also be void there as well…) and hope to beat it, or if 7♥X is the final contract, hope that it will not be a phantom save!
How does that go?
Bingo – Partner has 10 solid hearts and a diamond so 7♥X only goes for -300 as 6♠ makes 13 tricks if no trump lead.
Dummy has 6 spades and 7 clubs.
Posted in Latest News on November 2, 2013