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B (A C Barker), a CAuction Bridge for Beginners1924
B (A C Barker), a CAuction Bridge for Beginners - and Others1929
B (A C Barker), a CAuction Bridge for Everybody1927
Badger, Terry MA Full Deck of Double-Dummy Problems1996
Badsworth (Allan Lindsay Lister)Badsworth On Auction Bridge/The Principles of Auction Bridge1910
Badsworth (Allan Lindsay Lister)Badsworth On Bridge/The Laws and Principles of Bridge1909
Badsworth (Allan Lindsay Lister)Royal Auction Bridge1915
Baikie, Kenneth RLazy Man's Guide to Better Bridge1975
Bailey, Edward WilliamContract Bridge Suit Divisions1936
Bailey, J RBridge/A Beginner's Simplified Guide On How to Enjoy the Game1997
Bailey, Maureen O'Brien & Oeschger, IvyBridge for the Joneses1947
Baker, BobThe Swiss Convention1980
Bangs, Fred TBasic Bidding in Contract Bridge1955
Barclay, ShepardBridge Fun/Verse and Worse1934
Barclay, ShepardThe Contract Bridge Guide1931
Barclay, ShepardLearn Bridge Fast1944
Barclay, ShepardWin At Contract Bridge with Any Partner1933
Bard, George LThe Play of the Hand Made Easy1934
Baron, Leo & Meredith, AdamThe Baron System of Contract Bridge1948
Baron, RandyThe Bridge Player's Dictionary1993
Baron, RandyBridge Wheel1992
Baron, RandyMore Popular Conventions (Championship Bridge Series No. 13)1979
Baron, RandyPopular Conventions (Championship Bridge Series No. 1)1979
Baron, Randy & Stewart, FrankThe Bridge Teacher's Manual - Volume 1 - for Beginning Players1988
Baron, Randy & Stewart, FrankThe Bridge Teacher's Manual - Volume 2 - for Intermediate Players1988
Baron, Randy & Stewart, FrankThe Bridge Teacher's Manual - Volume 3 - for Advanced Players1989
Baron, Randy & Stewart, FrankThe Bridge Teacher's Manual - Volume 4 - Defensive Play1990
Baron, Randy & Woolsey, Kit (Christopher R) & Champney, Ken HClobber Their Artificial Club1979
Barrow, RhodaAcol-Ites Quiz1974
Bart, Belle & Samuel, Ellis & Roosen, Russell & Huston, Irvin Cy & Frank, Lewis CWhen to Play Bridge and How1933
Barton, F PBarton On Contract Bridge1931
Barton, F PThe Barton Variation1934
Barton, F PThe Barton Variation1935
Barton, F PContract Bridge for Beginners Only1946
Bascule (E H Maxwell)Royal Auction Bridge1924
Bascule (E H Maxwell)Royal Spades Auction Bridge1913
Bascule (E H Maxwell)Royal Spades Auction Bridge1913
Bayone, JeffBaby It's Bridge1998
Beachcroft, Charles PortenAuction Bridge Nuts, Cracked and Uncracked1927
Beard, JohnDevelop Your Bridge the Acol Way1978
Beard, JohnDevelop Your Bridge the Acol Way1993
Beard, JohnThe New Conventional Way1996
Beasley, H MThe Beasley Contract Bridge System1935
Beasley, H MBeasley V. Culbertson1933
Beasley, H MFive Suit Bridge1938
Beasley, H MFive Suit Bridge1938
Beasley, H MHow to Bid a Slam1933
Beasley, H MOpening Bids1933
Beasley, H MResponses to Opening Bids1934
Beasley, H MSimple Contract//The Beasley System Revised1938
Becker, B JBecker On Bridge1973
Becker, JimThe Biggest Little Bridge Book in the World1995
Becker, Mike & Rubin, Ron (Ronald D) & Granovetter, Matthew & Ginsberg, Matthew LThe Ultimate Club1981
Beker, HaroldPoet's Guide to Contract Bridge1972
Belladonna, GiorgioRoman Club (1969)1972
Belladonna, Giorgio & Avarelli, WalterThe Roman Club System of Distributional Bidding1959
Belladonna, Giorgio & Garozzo, BenitoPrecision and Superprecision Bidding1975
Belsey, MargeryThe Play/Easy Contract Lessons1935
Benjamin, AlbertThe Lion of the North1996
Bennett, RandyA Guide to Declarer Play\/How to Make a Plan2007
Bentfield, H RBridge Naturally1979
Berg, LynnThe Business of Bridge1997
Bergen, MartyBergen for the Defense2004
Bergen, MartyBergen's Best Bridge Quizzes/Volume One2003
Bergen, MartyBergen's Best Bridge Tips2004
Bergen, MartyBetter Bidding with Bergen - Volume One - Uncontested Auctions1985
Bergen, MartyBetter Bidding with Bergen - Volume Two - Competitive Bidding, Fit Bids, and More1986
Bergen, MartyBetter Slam Bidding with Bergen2008
Bergen, MartyDeclarer Play the Bergen Way2004
Bergen, MartyEveryone's Guide to the New Convention Card1994
Bergen, MartyMarty Sez2001
Bergen, MartyMarty Sez... Volume 22002
Bergen, MartyMarty Sez... Volume 32003
Bergen, MartyMore Points Schmoints!1999
Bergen, MartyPoints Schmoints Series: Better Bidding the Bergen Way - Understanding 1nt Forcing2002
Bergen, MartyPoints Schmoints Series: Introduction to Negative Doubles2000
Bergen, MartyPoints Schmoints Series: Negative Doubles2000
Bergen, MartyPoints Schmoints!1995
Bergen, MartySlam Bidding Made Easier2008
Bergholt, Ernest George BinckesBergholt's Modern Auction1924
Bergholt, Ernest George BinckesDouble Dummy Bridge1906
Bergholt, Ernest George BinckesRoyal Auction Bridge/The Laws and Principles/The Art and Practice1920
Bergholt, Ernest George BinckesRoyal Spades, Or Lily Auction Bridge and Royal Auction Bridge1914
Bergholt, Ernest George Binckes & Manning-Foster, a EAuction Bridge/Laws and Principles/Art and Practise1929
Berkowitz, David & Manley, BrentPrecision today2002
Bernasconi, PietroBridge World Championship/Jean Besse Trophy/Lille - August 21-22, 19981998
Bernasconi, PietroBridge World Championship/Par Hands Contest1990
Bernstein, AndrewSplinter Bids (Championship Bridge Series No. 9)1979
Bernstein, Andrew & Baron, RandyDo You Know Your Partner?1979
Berthe, Robert & Seabrook, Barry & Lebely, NorbertCardplay in No Trumps1996
Berthe, Robert & Seabrook, Barry & Lebely, NorbertStep by Step Cardplay -- No-Trumps1981
Beverly Card SchoolThe Biggest Little Bridge Book in the World/Play and Defense in Suit Contracts1999
Beynon, George WBridge Director's Manual for Duplicate Games1955
Beynon, George WBridge Director's Manual for Duplicate Games1959
Beynon, George WDuplicate Bridge Direction1949
Beynon, George WTournament and Duplicate Bridge1944
Beyrouti, Michael GContrast1998
Bird, DavidThe Abbot and the Sensational Squeeze1999
Bird, DavidThe Abbot's Great Sacrifice2003
Bird, DavidAll Hands On Deck!2000
Bird, DavidBeaten by the Masters2001
Bird, DavidThe Bridge Adventures of Robin Hood1995
Bird, DavidBridge Endplays for Everyone/Yes, Even You!2008
Bird, DavidBridge Over Troubled Waters2002
Bird, DavidBridge Squeezes for Everyone2002
Bird, DavidFamous Bridge Disasters1999
Bird, DavidFamous Leads and Defences1998
Bird, DavidFifty-Two Great Bridge Tips2004
Bird, DavidFifty-Two Great Bridge Tips On Declarer Play2005
Bird, DavidHaving Nun Partner?2000
Bird, DavidHeavenly Contracts2007
Bird, DavidHow to Win At Bridge in Thirty Days1998
Bird, DavidOff-Road Declarer Play/Unusual Ways to Play a Bridge Hand2007
Bird, DavidPractise Your Defence Against Pre-Empts1999
Bird, DavidPractise Your Suit Combinations2000
Bird, DavidRobin Hood's Bridge Memoirs1997
Bird, DavidSomehow We Landed in Six Notrump2009
Bird, DavidTen Ways to Improve Your Bridge2000
Bird, DavidTwenty-Five Bridge Myths Exposed2002
Bird, DavidWin At Bridge in Thirty Days1990
Bird, David & Bourke, TimSaints and Sinners2000
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Avoidance Play2005
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Deceptive Play2005
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Defending Notrump Contracts2005
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Defending Suit Contracts2005
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Elimination Plays2004
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Endplays and Coups2004
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Entry Management2004
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Planning in Suit Contracts2004
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Reading the Cards2005
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: Safety Plays2005
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTest Your Bridge Technique Series: the Simple Squeeze2004
Bird, David & Bourke, TimTournament Acol - a System for Winners1995
Bird, David & Cocheme, SimonBachelor Bridge1994
Bird, David & Cocheme, SimonBridge with a Feminine touch1996
Bird, David & Forrester, tonySecrets of Expert Card Play1997
Bird, David & Forrester, tonySecrets of Expert Defence1999
Bird, David & Helgemo, GeirBridge with Imagination2000
Bird, David & Hoffman, MartinInspired Card Play2003
Bird, David & Klinger, RonKosher Bridge1992
Bird, David & Klinger, RonKosher Bridge Two1994
Bird, David & Klinger, RonThe Rabbi's Magic Trick1998
Bird, David & Sarantakos, NikosBridge Hands to Make You Laugh and Cry2004
Bird, David & Sarantakos, NikosFamous Bridge Records2002
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Deceptive Card Play2000
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Defensive Signalling2001
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Eliminations and Throw-Ins2000
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Entry Management2000
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Planning in Defense2001
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Planning in Suit Contracts2000
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Planning the Play Notrump2001
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Reading the Cards2001
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Safety Plays2000
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Squeezes Made Simple2001
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Tricks with Finesses2001
Bird, David & Smith, MarcBridge Technique Series: Tricks with Trumps2000
Bissell, Harold WinthropThe Bissell System1936
Blackwood, Easley RBidding Slams with Blackwood1982
Blackwood, Easley RThe Blackwood Convention (Championship Bridge Series No. 2)1979
Blackwood, Easley RBlackwood On Bidding1956
Blackwood, Easley RBlackwood On Bidding1957
Blackwood, Easley RBlackwood On Slams1970
Blackwood, Easley RBridge Humanics1949
Blackwood, Easley RThe Complete Book of Opening Leads1983
Blackwood, Easley RDynamic Point Counter1956
Blackwood, Easley RHow You Can Play Winning Bridge with Blackwood1977
Blackwood, Easley RThe Human Element in Bridge1951
Blackwood, Easley RPlay of the Hand with Blackwood1979
Blackwood, Easley RTen Quick Ways to Win At Bridge1949
Blackwood, Easley R & Hanson, Keith VCard Play Fundamentals1987
Blake, Kay (Katherine Krause) & Barrow, Jim (James Malcolm)Record Run - 3584.26: tournament Day by Day Journal2000
Bloom, ThomasThe Nova Affair1999
Blossom, RobertBridge/Contract and Auction1931
Blubaugh, John ElliottAppeals Committee Decisions from the 1994 NEC World Championships in Albuquerque/Heading toward Equity and Justice1994
Blubaugh, John ElliottCincinnati 1994 Appeals Committee Decisions1994
Blubaugh, John ElliottEscaping On Notrump Doubled1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottThe Forcing Notrump1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottGame Tries1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottIndianapolis Appeals Committee Decisions1991
Blubaugh, John ElliottInverted Minor Suit Raises1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottJacoby and Texas Transfer Bids1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottKansas City 1993 Appeals Committee Decisions1993
Blubaugh, John ElliottThe Law of total Tricks1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottThe Lebensohl Convention1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottLebensohl Vs. Weak Two Bids1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottThe Losing Trick Count1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottMinneapolis 1994 Appeals Committee Decisions1994
Blubaugh, John ElliottMinor Suit Transfer Bids1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottNegative and Responsive Doubles1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottNew Minor Forcing1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottNew Orleans 1995 Appeals Decisions1994
Blubaugh, John ElliottOrlando Appeals Committee Decisions1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottOvercalls1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottPasadena Appeals Committee Decisions1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottPhoenix 1995 Appeals Committee Decisions1995
Blubaugh, John ElliottRoman Keycard Blackwood1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottSan Diego 1994 Appeals Committee Decisions1994
Blubaugh, John ElliottSeattle 1993 Appeals Committee Decisions1993
Blubaugh, John ElliottTake Out Doubles1992
Blubaugh, John ElliottWashington D. C. 1993 Appeals Committee Decisions1993
Boardman, Paul KThe Churchill Bidding Style1961
Boblett, MargeIt Takes Two to Bid1983
Bodington, Oliver EatonBridge Wisdom1933
Boeder, JohnThinking About Imps1994
Boehm, AugieDemon Defense and Demon Doubling2004
Boehm, AugieThree Notrump in Depth2006
Boehm, AugieWielding the Axe2008
Boekhorst, AndreBols Brilliancy Prize/Tenth Anniversary Booklet1986
Boekhorst, AndreThe Second Bols Book of Bridge Tips1993
Boland, Vincent Francis & Law, John HAccurate Contract Bidding1931
Bomar, BobThe Bomar T.P.C.B. (Total Point Count Bidding) System1968
Bonney, C JackHome Work for Bridge Beginners (To Supplement Class Lessons)1958
Bonney, C JackMaster Bridge Teaching Guide for Elementary and Intermediate Classes1957
Borel, Emile & Cheron, AndreThe Mathematical Theory of Bridge1974
Borin, JimBridge Borin Style/Baronised Acol1978
Borin, Jim & Borin, NormaOur Precision Style1981
Boston (Charles H a Forbes-Lindsay)Bridge and How to Play It/Every Principle Point On Play Explained and Illustrated by An Expert1908
Bourke, Tim1979 Open Interstate Final1979
Bourke, TimThe 1986 Open Interstate Teams Championship1986
Bourke, Tim1990 Open Interstate Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 11990
Bourke, Tim1990 Spring National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 21990
Bourke, Tim1991 Grand National Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 81991
Bourke, Tim1991 Interstate Final Teams Finals//Abf Monograph No 71991
Bourke, Tim1991 National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 41991
Bourke, Tim1991 National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 31991
Bourke, Tim1991 Spring National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 101991
Bourke, Tim1991 Spring National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 91991
Bourke, Tim1991 Victor Champion Cup Final//Abf Monograph No 51991
Bourke, Tim1991 Zone 7 South Pacific Championship Finals//Abf Monograph No 61991
Bourke, Tim1992 Australian Open Teams Playoff Final//Abf Monograph No 141992
Bourke, Tim1992 Australian Women's Playoff to Select the Olympiad Bridge Team//Abf Monograph No 131992
Bourke, Tim1992 Interstate Final Teams Finals//Abf Monograph No 151992
Bourke, Tim1992 National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 121992
Bourke, Tim1992 National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 121992
Bourke, Tim1992 Spring National Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 161992
Bourke, Tim1992 Spring National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 171992
Bourke, TimThe 1993 Australian Interstate Teams Championsip Final Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 221993
Bourke, Tim1993 National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 181993
Bourke, Tim1993 National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 191993
Bourke, TimThe 1993 South Pacific Teams Championships Final//Abf Monograph No 201993
Bourke, TimThe 1993 Spingold Final//Abf Monograph No 211993
Bourke, TimThe 1993 Spring National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 231993
Bourke, TimThe 1993 Spring National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 241993
Bourke, TimThe 1994 Australian Teams Playoffs Finals//Abf Monograph No 271994
Bourke, TimThe 1994 National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 261994
Bourke, TimThe 1994 National Women's Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 251994
Bourke, Tim1995 National Open Teams Final//Abf Monograph No 281995
Bourke, TimThe Maastricht Challenge Bridge Quiz2001
Bourke, Tim & Hoffman, MartinImagination and Technique in Bridge2003
Bourke, Tim & Smith, MarcCountdown to Winning Bridge1999
Boyden, Elizabeth Clark & Warren, Mrs PrescottContract Bridge of 19291928
Boyden, Elizabeth Clark & Warren, Mrs PrescottContract Bridge of 19301929
Boyden, Elizabeth Clark & Warren, Mrs PrescottContract Bridge of 19311931
Boyden, Elizabeth Clark & Warren, Mrs PrescottForty Hands Illustrating the Culbertson Standard System1932
Boyden, Elizabeth Clark & Warren, Mrs PrescottPocket Contract Bridge - the Culbertson Forcing System [Official]1931
Bramley, T EKnow the Game/Bridge1995
Brannon, Robert MeansFool Proof Contract 19331933
Brannon, Robert MeansFool Proof Contract Bridge/The Professor Does His Stuff Again1931
Brannon, Robert MeansThe Incomparable Club Convention1935
Brannon, Robert MeansThe Professor Does His Stuff/Foolproof Contract Bridge1930
Brashler, Ted HSweep Q-Bids and Other Treatments1985
Brecher, ErwinHocus-Pocus2001
Brecher, Erwin & Pottage, JulianMore Hocus-Pocus2002
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/A Delightful Mix1997
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/A Delightful Mix1999
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/A Quick Review1997
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/Just for Beginners1995
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/Notrumps and Stayman and Jacoby Transfers1999
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/Notrumps, Stayman and Piece of Mind1995
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/Overcalls Overeasy1995
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/Suit Bids, Part 11994
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/Suit Bids, Part 1 - 2/1 Forcing, Limit Raises1999
Breeser, Robert SBridge Flashcards/The Opening Bid - Choice of Two Suits1997
Breeser, Robert SThe Bridge Memopad: Notrumps1997
Bridge HeadquartersThe New Standardized Official System of Contract Bridge1932
Bridge HeadquartersThe Official System of Contract Bridge1931
Bridge HeadquartersThe Official System of Contract Bridge1932
Bridge World, theAppeals Committee/Volume 11983
Bridge World, theAppeals Committee/Volume 21984
Bridge World, theBridge Movies and Post Mortems1979
Bridge World, theBridge World Humor1980
Bridge World, theThe Bridge World/Best of the Early Sixties1982
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book I)1978
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book II)1979
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book III)1980
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book IV)1981
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book V)1985
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book VI)1988
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book VII)1990
Bridge World, theChallenge the Champs/(Book VIII)1996
Bridge World, theFive Suit Bridge1938
Bridge World, theHow Would You Rule1978
Bridge World, theRate Your Own Game1981
Brightling, Richard & Kelsey, Hugh WalterRubber Bridge Laws Flipper a Player's Guide1986
Brinig, LizBridge Bidding/The Golden Rules1991
Brink, Glen EWhat Are Your Odds At Bridge?1977
Brock, RaymondThe Best of Gray1999
Brock, RaymondExpert Defence1997
Brock, RaymondNotrump Play1998
Brock, RaymondPlanning the Defence1996
Brock, Raymond & Brock, SallyBridge Club Players Quiz Book2002
Brock, Raymond & Brock, SallyBridge Quiz: Bidding2000
Brock, Raymond & Brock, SallyBridge Quiz: Defence2000
Brock, Raymond & Brock, SallyBridge Quiz: Slam Play2000
Brock, Raymond & Brock, SallyExpert Tuition for Tournament Bridge1998
Brock, Raymond & Brock, SallyGreat Hands I Wish I Had Played2002
Brock, SallyThe Complete Book of Bols Bridge Tips1997
Brock, SallyLeading Questions in Bridge2007
Brock, SallyPlaying with Trumps1998
Brock, SallyStep-By-Step: Overcalls1995
Brock, SallySuit Combinations in Bridge1998
Brock, Sally & Rigal, BarryFit for a King2000
Brooks, DianeBridge 'n Stuff/A Light Hearted Look At Bridge2007
Broomfield, DAcol Flow Chart1997
Brown, BernardPrinciples of Auction and Contract Bridge1928
Brown, Curtis LPartnerslips and Other Bridge Nonsense1995
Brown, GaryLearn to Play Bridge2007
Brown, GaryStandard Bidding with Five-Card Majors2003
Brown, Herbert LWhat's Your Bridge I. Q. ?1962
Brown, JohnBidding Craft1962
Brown, JohnBridge with Dora1965
Brown, JohnWinning Defence1952
Brown, JohnWinning Tricks1955
Brown, RickNatural Precision1998
Browne, DerrickBeginner's Bridge2004
Browne, DerrickBeginners Bridge1998
Browne, DerrickBenjamin Twos1993
Browne, DerrickBergen Raises/The Trumps Advanced Series2007
Browne, DerrickFive-Card Majors Flipper1998
Browne, DerrickFive-Card Standard/The Trumps Standard Series2007
Browne, DerrickImprovers Bridge2002
Browne, DerrickJacoby Two Notrump/The Trumps Advanced Series2007
Browne, DerrickMichaels Cue Bids/The Trumps Advanced Series2007
Browne, DerrickModern Standard Flipper2005
Browne, DerrickRoman Key Card Blackwood/The Trumps Advanced Series2007
Browne, DerrickSayc/The Trumps Standard Series2007
Browne, DerrickTwo Club Checkback/The Trumps Advanced Series2005
Browne, DerrickUnusual Notrump/The Trumps Standard Series2007
Browning, Hanworth StephenAuction Bridge and How to Play It1909
Browning, Hanworth StephenThe Auction Bridge Book1913
Bruce (Francis Welsh Crowinshield), Arthur LoringThe Bridge-Fiend/A Cheerful Book for Bridge-Whisters1909
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerA Bridge Questionnaire1927
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerBridge Quiz for Those Who Play Auction Bridge1927
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerContract Bridge Laws/A Synopsis1943
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerContract Bridge Laws/A Synopsis1948
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerThe Culbertson System/#991935
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerCulbertson System/A Digest1939
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerFundamentals of Play1939
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerThe New Simplified Culbertson System/#991944
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerThe New Simplified Culbertson System/#991948
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerParty Bridge/Progressive and Pivot/How to Play It1927
Bruelheide, Frank ElmerSimplified Culbertson System1945
Brunner, MichelleAcol Bidding for Budding Experts2003
Brunner, MichelleAcol Bidding for Improvers2000
Bruno, Steve & Hardy, MaxTwo Over One Game Force/An Introduction1993
Buccaneer (Sir Herbert Thirkell White)Practical Auction Bridge1917
Buccaneer (Sir Herbert Thirkell White)Practical Auction Bridge1922
Budin, Barnett & Kornfeld, MorrisBridge Players Digest of Conventions1962
Budin, Barnett & Kornfeld, MorrisBridge Players Digest of Conventions1963
Buller, WalterHow to Play Contract Bridge1932
Buller, WalterReflections of A Bridge Player: with a Chapter On How to Bid At Contract1929
Buller, WalterThe Way to Play/The Buller System of Contract Bridge1936
Buller, Walter & Kempson, EwartThe Buller-Almacks Bridge Contest1934
Burgay, LeandroThe Burgay Diamond1979
Burkoff, StanleyShort Tall Bridge Tales1996
Burn, DavidHow to Survive Your First tournament1993
Burns, MargeryThe Nottingham System of Contract Bridge1958
Burns, MargeryThe Nottingham System of Contract Bridge1969
Burnstine (Bruce), DavidThe Four Horsemen's One-Over-One Method of Contract Bidding1932
Burnstine (Bruce), DavidThe Four Horsemen's One-Over-One Method of Contract Bidding/Pocket Summary1932
Burnstine (Bruce), David & Schenken, Howard Stanley & Jacoby, Oswald & Gottleib, MichaelPocket Outline of 4 Aces System of Contract Bridge1936
Burnstine (Bruce), David & Schenken, Howard Stanley & Maier, Merwin D & Jacoby, OswaldFive Suit Bridge by the Four Aces1938
Butler & BrevitasAuction Bridge in A Nutshell/Royal Spades1919
Butler, Geoffrey & Stern, PaulThe Two Club System of Bidding1945
Butts, JoanPlay Bridge/A Workbook for the Absolute Beginner2002
Butts, Joan & Johnson, KathyPlay Bridge/A Guide by Your Side/A Summary of the Basics (Standard 5-Card Majors) for the New Player to Use At the Table2003
Buxton, William HerbertStandardized Contract Bridge 19311931
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