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Library List

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Laderman, JulianA Bridge to Simple Squeezes2005
Lagron, Edward MarchalDefensive Bridge1933
Lal, Latit BehariStep by Step/Learn Good Contract Bridge2007
Lamford, PaulImprove Your Game1999
Lamford, PaulStarting Out in Bridge2001
Lampert, HarryDeclarer Play and Opening Leads/A Fun Way Bridge Book1988
Lampert, HarryThe Fun Way to Advanced Bridge1985
Lampert, HarryThe Fun Way to Advanced Bridge1990
Lampert, HarryFun Way to Learn Serious Bridge1978
Lampert, HarryThe Fun Way to Serious Bridge1980
Landau, Eric & Baron, RandyEvery Hand an Adventure1996
Landow, Irwin SInnovative Slam Bidding2009
Landy, SandraStandard English System Summary: Foundation Level1998
Langer, JacobBridge the Easy Way1933
Larone, J NTwo-Over-One Game Force Bidding Problems No. 1: Responses When Responder Has a Fit with Opener's One Heart Or One Spade Bid1996
Larson, William aThe Bridge Life of the American Male1954
Lavinthal, HyDefense Strategy in Bridge1974
Lavinthal, HyDefense Tricks/Featuring the Suit Preference Signal, the Wonder Weapon of Bridge1963
Lavinthal, HySuit Preference Signals in Contract Bridge1964
Lawrence, MikeBalancing (Championship Bridge Series No. 18)1981
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Book On Balancing in Contract Bridge1981
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Book On Hand Evaluation in Contract Bridge1983
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Book On Hand Evaluation in Contract Bridge1993
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Book On Overcalls in Contract Bridge1979
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Book On Takeout Doubles1994
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Guide to Contested Auctions1992
Lawrence, MikeThe Complete Guide to Passed Hand Bidding1989
Lawrence, MikeDisturbing Opponents No Trump1995
Lawrence, MikeDouble! New Meaning for an Old Bid2002
Lawrence, MikeDynamic Defense1982
Lawrence, MikeFalsecards1986
Lawrence, MikeHow to Play Card Combinations1988
Lawrence, MikeHow to Read Your Opponent's Cards: the Bridge Expert's Way to Locate Missing High Cards1973
Lawrence, MikeHow to Read Your Opponent's Cards: the Bridge Expert's Way to Locate Missing High Cards1974
Lawrence, MikeThe Jacoby and Texas Transfers Convention1983
Lawrence, MikeJudgement At Bridge1976
Lawrence, MikeThe Lebensohl Convention1983
Lawrence, MikeMajor Suit Raises1983
Lawrence, MikeMike Lawrence's Bidding Quizzes Volume 1: the Uncontested Auction1990
Lawrence, MikeMike Lawrence's Opening Leads1996
Lawrence, MikeMike Lawrence's Workbook On the Two Over One System1987
Lawrence, MikeMike Lawrence's Workbook On the Two Over One System1993
Lawrence, MikeOvercalls (Championship Bridge Series No. 17)1979
Lawrence, MikePartnership Understandings1985
Lawrence, MikePartnership Understandings1990
Lawrence, MikePartnership Understandings1990
Lawrence, MikePlay a Swiss Teams of Four with Mike Lawrence1993
Lawrence, MikePlay Bridge with Mike Lawrence1983
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 1. Reverses1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 10. Bidding After an Opponent's Takeout Double1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 11. Responding to a Takeout Double1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 12. Bidding Over Preempts1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 13. Weak Two Bids1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 14. The Fine Art of Hanging Partner1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 15. The Splinter Bid1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 2. Defense Part 11990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 3. Defense Part Two1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 4. Overcall1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 5. Reponding to an Overcall1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 6. Leads Versus Notrumps1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 7. Leads Versus Suit Contracts1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 8. Bidding Versus an Opening One Notrump1990
Lawrence, MikeTopics On Bridge - Series 9. Signals On Defense1990
Lawrence, MikeTrue Bridge Humor1980
Lawrence, Mike & Fox, Gerald LIntroduction to Contract Bridge and Point Count Bidding1975
Lawrence, Mike & Hanson, Keith VWinning Bridge Intangibles1985
Lawrence, Mike & Klinger, RonOpening Leads Flipper1998
Lawrence, Mike & Klinger, RonOpening Leads for Acol Players1997
Laws: International Bridge Laws... International Bridge Laws: the Laws of Contract Bridge 1932 As Agreed Upon and Promulgated by the Whist Club - New York1932
Laws: International Bridge LawsInternational Bridge Laws: the Laws of Contract Bridge 1932 As Agreed Upon and Promulgated by The: Portland Club...1932
Laws: International Bridge Laws... International Bridge Laws: the Laws of Contract Bridge 1935 As Agreed Upon and Promulgated by the Whist Club - New York1935
Laws: International Bridge LawsThe International Code Laws of Contract Bridge 1963 As Promulgated in the Western Hemisphere by the American Contract...1963
Laws: International Bridge LawsThe International Code Laws of Contract Bridge 1981 As Promulgated in the Western Hemisphere by the American Contract...1981
Laws: International Bridge LawsThe International Laws of Contract Bridge 1948 As Agreed Upon and Promulgated by the Portland Club, the European Bridge...1948
Laws: International Bridge LawsThe Laws of Contract Bridge 1943 (American Edition) As Agreed Upon and Promulgated by the Whist Club New York, the National...1943
Laws: International Bridge LawsThe Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1997 Promulagated by the World Bridge Federation and Agreed Upon by the W.B.F. Laws...1997
Le Dentu, JoseBridge: Triumphs and Disasters1990
Le Dentu, JoseChampionship Bridge1974
Le Dentu, Jose & Kearse, Amalya LyleBridge Analysis1978
Le Dentu, Jose & Kearse, Amalya LyleBridge Analysis1979
Lea, Robert HBridge Is Easy with the Lea System1965
Lederer, Anthony & Lederer, RhodaLearn Bridge with the Lederers1977
Lederer, RhodaAcol-Ites Quiz1982
Lederer, Rhoda & Griffiths, David CWinning Ways At Bridge1987
Lederer, Rhoda & Griffiths, David CWinning Ways At Bridge1993
Lederer, Rhoda & Hawthorn, AmandaImprove Your Bridge1993
Lederer, RichardLederer Bids Two Clubs1935
Lederer, RichardModern Contract and Duplicate1936
Ledvina, Jerome PaulHow to Win At Bridge/A Painless Approach to Better Bridge1948
Lee, Ray & Lee, LindaNorthern Lights2003
Leigh (Charles H a Forbes-Lindsay), LennardBridge Whist:How to Play It, with Full Directions...1902
Lennon, JacobChampionship Defensive Bidding1987
Lenz, Sidney SamuelContract Bidding1931
Lenz, Sidney SamuelLenz On Bridge1927
Lenz, Sidney SamuelLenz On Bridge, Volume Two1927
Lenz, Sidney SamuelLenz On Contract Bridge1927
Lenz, Sidney SamuelLenz On Contract Bridge1928
Lenz, Sidney SamuelLenz On Contract Bridge1929
Lenz, Sidney SamuelMore Lenz On Bridge1930
Lenz, Sidney SamuelMy System of Contract Bidding1930
Lenz, Sidney SamuelOne-Two-Three/Sidney S Lenz's Book On the Official System of Contact Bidding1931
Lenz, Sidney Samuel & Rendel, RobertHow's Your Bridge?1929
Leve, GuyThe Encyclopedia of Card Play Techniques At Bridge2007
Levett, Benjamin aCulbertson in Rime1934
Levin, David HBridge Puzzles for Children/Simple Card Play Problems to Introduce Them to This Wonderful Game2004
Levinson, William aBasic Bridge1964
Levitt, JerryThe Language of Bidding1982
Lewis, Angelo JohnBridge1918
Liddell, K CContract and Plafond Bridge Self-Taught1936
Liddell, K CThe Pocket Contract Bridge Chart1933
Liggett, Winfield C JnrContract Bridge Summary/Official System1931
Liggett, Winfield C JnrThe Easy Road to Contract Bridge1932
Liggett, Winfield C Jnr & Kerwin, Madeleine & Ferres, Allan J & Brannon, Robert MeansWinning Leads At Contract Bridge1932
Lightner, Theodore AlexanderHighlights of the Culbertson System1931
Lind, BettyAre Bridge Players People?1965
Lind, BettyBox-Car Annie At the Bridge Table1966
Lind, BettyPsychotics, Neurotics and Bridge Players1961
Lindelof, Edvin torbjornThe Computer-Designed Bidding System Cobra1983
Lindkvist, MagnusClassic and Modern Conventions/1st Volume2001
Lindkvist, MagnusClassic and Modern Conventions/3rd Volume2002
Lindkvist, Magnus & Wirgren, Anders & Nilsland, MatsNotrump Bidding - the Scanian Way/Swedish Expert Methods/Volume Two1990
Lindsay, Kenneth LThree-D and the Mafia Club1981
Lipkin, MikeInvitation to Annihilation1991
Littler, MalcolmA Strong Club (An Entire System). Compiled from the System Devised by Keith Bishop and Lyn Gilchrist2000
Long, Effie LindsayAmerican Bridge Teachers' Association Handbook On Teaching Techniques1978
Love, Clyde EltonBridge Squeezes Complete/Or/Winning Endplay Strategy1968
Love, Clyde EltonSqueeze Play in Bridge1951
Lozowick, Lee & Hoy, AlexandraZen Gamesmanship: the Art of Bridge1980
LucianThe Straight Bid Or Standard Hand Bidding1936
Lukacs, Paul & Rubens, JeffTest Your Play As Declarer1977
Lukacs, Paul & Rubens, JeffTest Your Play As Declarer, Volume 12003
Lukacs, Paul & Rubens, JeffTest Your Play As Declarer, Volume 22003
Lutes, Della TBridge Food for Bridge Fans1932
Lutz, Joe & Fink, JerryThe American Forcing Minor Bidding System1994
Lutz, Joe & Fink, JerryThe American Forcing Minor Bidding System1995
Lynch, EdgarBridge/The Diamond System1948
Lynch, Warren JCulbertson for Morons1931
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