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Library List

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Falk, AllanBermuda Bowl Challenge1997
Falk, AllanSpingold Challenge1988
Falk, AllanTeam Trial1991
Fan, FayPrecision Improved1978
Farrelly, Mrs T Charles & Coleman, Milton LeonardContract Bridge1928
Farrington, FrankDuplicate Bridge Movements1960
Farrington, FrankDuplicate Bridge Movements1964
Farrington, FrankDuplicate Bridge Movements1979
Farwell, Donald Frederick & Rosenfeld, JasonBridge Baron Companion/How to Get the Most Out of Your Bridge Computer Game2005
Federhen, Herbert Melancthon JnrPlaying the Game of Auction Bridge1923
Fein, Phyllis MLighter Side of Bridge1991
Feldheim, HaroldFive Card Major Bidding in Contract Bridge1985
Feldheim, HaroldNegative and Responsive Doubles in Bridge1980
Feldheim, HaroldNegative, Responsive, and Other Competitive Doubles1993
Feldheim, HaroldTactical Bidding1992
Feldheim, HaroldThe Weak Two Bid in Bridge1971
Feldheim, HaroldThe Weak Two Bid in Bridge1974
Feldheim, HaroldThe Weak Two Bid in Bridge1991
Feldheim, HaroldWinning Swiss Team Tactics in Bridge1976
Feldheim, HaroldWinning Swiss Team Tactics in Bridge1976
Feldheim, HaroldWinning Swiss Team Tactics in Bridge1993
Fenwicke-Clennell, Geoffrey EdwardContract Bridge in Principle and Play and the Laufen-Club System1947
Ferguson, Albert BPoker Bridge1935
Ferguson, WynneThe 1915 Rules and Laws of Auction Bridge1915
Ferguson, WynneThe 1922 Rules and Laws of Auction Bridge1922
Ferguson, WynneThe 1926 Rules and Laws of Auction Bridge1926
Ferguson, WynneOne Hundred Bridge Lessons1925
Ferguson, WynnePractical Auction Bridge1926
Ferguson, WynneWynne Ferguson's Contract Bridge (1931)1931
Field, Leslie OliverThe Field Convention for Sound Bidding in the Slam Zone1948
Filarski, Herman & Hirsch, TannahTournament Book of the Second Olympiad Pairs1966
Fink, Jerry & Lutz, JoeCount Coded Leads2001
Fishbein, Harry JThe Fishbein Convention1960
Fisher, RussellDictionary of Contract Bridge1933
Fitzsimmons, CortlandBetter Bridge1928
Flannery, William LThe Complete Flannery Two Diamond Opener1979
Flannery, William LFlannery (Championship Bridge Series No. 21)1981
Flannery, William LThe Flannery Two Diamond Opening1984
Flasher, MaryYou too Can Play Bridge1947
Flint, JeremyBridge with the Times1983
Flint, JeremyHow to Play Bridge1978
Flint, JeremyThe Winning Edge1986
Flint, Jeremy & Greenwood, DavidInstructions for the Defence1980
Flint, Jeremy & Gullick, JohnThe First Bridge Book1984
Flint, Jeremy & Gullick, JohnThe First Bridge Book1994
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieBridge in the Looking Glass1971
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieThe First Principles1985
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieThe Golden Principles1992
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieMatch Your Skill Against the Masters1972
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieProblems and Quizzes - Intermediate1985
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieTiger Bridge1970
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieTiger Bridge1970
Flint, Jeremy & North, FreddieTiger Bridge Revisited1991
Flint, Jeremy & Reese, TerenceBridge with the Professional touch1991
Flint, Jeremy & Reid, Iain & Horak, JaroslavBridge1975
Flint, Jeremy & Reid, Iain & Horak, JaroslavJeremy Flint's Bridge Class1969
Flint, Jeremy & Rimington, Derek C W & James, JeremyGrand Slam/An International Bridge tournament Between the United Kingdom and the United States1983
Flint, Jeremy & Sharp, RichardCompetitive Bidding1980
Flint, Jeremy & Sharp, RichardCompetitive Bidding1987
Foreman, Grant GThe Leopard Bridge System1972
Forquet, PietroBridge with the Blue Team1983
Forquet, PietroBridge with the Blue Team1987
Forquet, PietroBridge with the Blue Team1997
Forrester, StanFool Deck Or a Bridge Triumph1997
Forrester, tonyThe Bridge Player's Bedside Book1998
Forrester, tonyThe Improve Your Bridge At Home1995
Forrester, tonyThe Play Bridge At Home1994
Forrester, tonyPractise Your Re-Opening and Balancing1999
Forrester, tonySecrets of Success1993
Forrester, tonySecrets of Success1997
Forrester, tonyT.R.S.1987
Forrester, tonyVintage Forrester: Selected Writings from the Daily Telegraph1998
Forrester, tonyThe Winning Bridge At Home1996
Forrester, tony & Senior, BrianOver Your Shoulder : Learn from the Experts1994
Foster, Robert FrederickAuction Bridge1908
Foster, Robert FrederickAuction Bridge1908
Foster, Robert FrederickBridge for Advanced Players1929
Foster, Robert FrederickBridge Maxims1904
Foster, Robert FrederickContract Bridge Simplified1930
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster On Auction1918
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster On Auction1920
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster On Auction1921
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Auction Bridge for All1916
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Auction Bridge for All1920
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Auction Bridge Up-To-Date1910
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Auction Made Easy1920
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Auction Made Easy1922
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge1901
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge1904
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge for Beginners1927
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge for Beginners1928
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge Manual1900
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge Manual1901
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge Manual1902
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge Tactics1903
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Bridge Tactics1906
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Complete Bridge1905
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Contract Bridge1927
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Contract Bridge1927
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Modern Bridge Tactics1925
Foster, Robert FrederickFoster's Pirate Bridge1917
Foster, Robert FrederickNew Laws of Contract Bridge 19331933
Foster, Robert FrederickRoyal Auction Bridge1912
Foster, Robert FrederickRoyal Auction Bridge with Nullos1914
Foster, Robert FrederickRoyal Auction Bridge with Nullos1914
Foster, Robert FrederickVanity Fair's Bridge Problems1932
Four AcesNew 1944 Changes in the Four Aces System1944
Fox, ColinThe Tricks of Bridge1996
Fox, ColinYour Perfect Bridge Partner1997
Fox, G C HBegin Bridge1973
Fox, G C HBridge /Standard Bidding1971
Fox, G C HThe Daily Telegraph Book of Bridge1975
Fox, G C HThe Daily Telegraph Bridge Quiz1977
Fox, G C HDuplicate Bridge1955
Fox, G C HThe Elements of Defence1984
Fox, G C HThe Elements of Play1980
Fox, G C HGrand Master of Bridge /"Foxy"1999
Fox, G C HMaster Play - the Best of International Bridge1976
Fox, G C HModern Bidding Systems in Bridge1967
Fox, G C HModern Bidding Systems in Bridge1973
Fox, G C HThe Second Daily Telegraph Book of Bridge1982
Fox, G C HThe Second Daily Telegraph Bridge Quiz1979
Fox, G C HSound Bidding At Contract1954
Fox, Gerald LPartnership Bridge/An Easy Guide to Standard American Bidding1974
Fox, Gerald LPartnership Bridge/An Easy Guide to Standard American Bidding1996
Fox, Gerald LPartnership Defense/An Easy Guide to Defender's Play At Contract Bridge1993
Fox, Gerald LTricks for the Taking/An Easy Guide to Declarer's Play At Contract Bridge1990
Francis, Henry1973 World Championship Book1973
Francis, Henry1974 World Championship Book1974
Francis, Henry1975 World Championship Book1975
Francis, Henry1976 World Championship Book1976
Francis, Henry1977 World Championship Book1978
Francis, Henry1978 World Championship Book1979
Francis, Henry1979 World Championship Book1980
Francis, Henry1980 World Championship Book1981
Francis, Henry1981 World Championship Book1982
Francis, Henry1982 World Championship Book1983
Francis, Henry1983 World Championship Book1984
Francis, Henry1984 World Championship Book1985
Francis, Henry1985 World Championship Book1986
Francis, Henry1986 World Championship Book1987
Francis, Henry1987 World Championship Book1988
Francis, Henry1989 World Championship Book1990
Francis, Henry1995 World Championship Book1996
Francis, Henry & Senior, BrianThe Bermuda Bowl1999
Francis, Henry & Truscott, Alan & Francis, DorthyThe Official Encyclopedia of Bridge1994
Francis, Henry & Truscott, Alan & Hayward, Diane & Frey, Richard LThe Official Encyclopedia of Bridge1984
Fransz, AlexMedium Club Relay/(Updated Version)/A Revolutionary Bidding System Employing Ultramodern Approaches and Strategies1990
Fransz, Alex & Klinger, RonMedium Club Relay: a Revolutionary Bidding System Employing Ultramodern Approaches and Strategies1988
Freedman, MauriceBridgepoint Playing Cards1959
Freehill, H GThe Squeeze At Bridge1949
Frey, Richard L1959 World Championship Book1959
Frey, Richard L1960 World Championship Book1960
Frey, Richard L1961 World Championship Book1961
Frey, Richard L1962 World Championship Book1962
Frey, Richard L1963 World Championship Book1963
Frey, Richard L1965 World Championship Book1965
Frey, Richard L1966 World Championship Book1966
Frey, Richard L1967 World Championship Book1967
Frey, Richard L1968 World Championship Book1968
Frey, Richard L1969 World Championship Book1969
Frey, Richard LBridge for Women1968
Frey, Richard LHow to Win At Contract Bridge in Ten Easy Lessons1961
Frey, Richard LHow to Win At Contract Bridge in Ten Easy Lessons1972
Frey, Richard LReport On the 1967 International Teams Trials1966
Frey, Richard LSelecting the American Team for the 1970 World Championships1969
Frey, Richard L & Truscott, AlanThe Official Encyclopedia of Bridge1964
Frey, Richard L & Truscott, Alan & Kearse, Amalya LyleThe Official Encyclopedia of Bridge1976
Frey, Richard L & Truscott, Alan & Smith, tom (Thomas M)The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge1971
Friedman, Bernard HarperYarborough1964
Froggatt, Sue & Edmondson, Ruth & Donovan, PeterBridge Club Guide to Britain and Ireland1993
Frost, Frederick Hazard & Traub, Alec & Telfer, Roy L & Kibler, Robert EBridge Odds Complete/Probabilities in Contract Bridge1971
Fry, Sam JnrBetter Bridge/A Discussion of Modern Contract Bridge Bidding1935
Fry, Sam JnrHow to Improve Your Bridge1939
Fry, Sam JnrHow to Win At Bridge with Any Partner1961
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