A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Sachen, William | Bridge/A Guide to the Literature | 1984 |
Sahai, Rameshwar | Practical Pocket Guide On Contract Bridge for Beginners and tournament Players: Bidding Made Easy | 1966 |
Salt, Caroline | Entertaining Bridge/Social Bridge At Home | 2007 |
Samuelson, Carl G & Brock, Sally | A New Approach to Matchpointed Pairs | 1997 |
Sanders, Carol & Sanders, tommy | Swiss Team Tactics (Championship Bridge Series No. 15) | 1979 |
Sands, Norma | Playing the Cards | 1984 |
Sands, Norma | Standard American Bridge Updated - Five Card Majors | 1990 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Competitive Bidding/Bridge Mini Series/Volume VI | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Defensive Signals/Bridge Mini Series/Volume VII | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Double Trouble/Bridge Mini Series/Volume IV | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Fine Tuning Your Bridge/Bridge Mini Series/Volume I | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Later in the Auction/Bridge Mini Series/Volume II | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Negative Doubles/Bridge Mini Series/Volume VIII | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Opening Leads Versus Suits/Bridge Mini Series/Volume III | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Slam Bidding I/Bridge Mini Series/Volume IX | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Slam Bidding II/Bridge Mini Series/Volume X | 1992 |
Sands, Norma & Janitschke, Jan | Weak Two-Bids/Bridge Mini Series | 1992 |
Sands, Wayne | Boot Camp Bridge/Bid More Winning Slams | 2009 |
Sapire, Leon | Bridge Clinic 1965 | 1966 |
Sapire, Leon | Bridge Clinic 1965 | 1966 |
Sapire, Max | Accurate Slam Bidding At Contract Bridge | 1948 |
Sarma, P S N | One Trick Short | 1995 |
Saunders, L G | Contract Bridge Primer/55 Rules with Logical Reasons | 1931 |
Saunders, Philip Frederick | Bridge with a Perfect Partner | 1976 |
Saunders, Philip Frederick | Bridge with My Granddaughter | 1992 |
Saunders, Philip Frederick | Bridge with My Wife | 1987 |
Saxe, John Godfrey & Richard, Harold Charles & Johnson, John H & Beinecke, Walter | Vanderbilt "One Club" Bid with "One Diamond" Response - Modified System | 1940 |
Saxon, Burt | Go for the Gold - Becoming an ACBL Life Master | 1996 |
Scarfi, Pablo | Basic Contract Bridge | 1947 |
Schambelan, B O & Lederer, Richard & Fisher, Arnold | Building Bridge | 1993 |
Schapiro, Boris | Boris Schapiro On Bridge/Play from the Sunday Times | 1976 |
Schapiro, Boris | Bridge Analysis | 1976 |
Schenken, Howard Stanley | Better Bidding in Fifteen Minutes - Expert Bidding in A Week | 1963 |
Schenken, Howard Stanley | Better Bidding in Fifteen Minutes - Expert Bidding in A Week | 1965 |
Schenken, Howard Stanley | Better Bidding in Fifteen Minutes - Expert Bidding in A Week | 1968 |
Schenken, Howard Stanley | The Education of A Bridge Player | 1973 |
Schenken, Howard Stanley | Howard Schenken's Big Club | 1968 |
Schenken, Howard Stanley | Weak Two Bids (Championship Bridge Series No. 6) | 1979 |
Schuld, Frank P | The Simple Squeeze in Bridge | 1974 |
Scott, Eddie | Contract Bridge for Beginners and Improvers | 1992 |
Seabrook, Barry | Bridge: from Average to Expert | 1979 |
Seagram, Barbara & Bird, David | Planning the Play of A Bridge Hand | 2009 |
Seagram, Barbara & Bird, David | Twenty-Five More Conventions You Should Know | 2003 |
Seagram, Barbara & Bird, David | Twenty-Five Ways to Take More Tricks As Declarer | 2003 |
Seagram, Barbara & Lee, Linda | Beginning Bridge | 2008 |
Seagram, Barbara & Lee, Linda | Jacoby 2nt | 2003 |
Seagram, Barbara & Lee, Linda | Roman Keycard Blackwood | 2003 |
Seagram, Barbara & Lee, Linda | Splinter Bids | 2003 |
Seagram, Barbara & Lee, Linda | Stayman Auctions | 2004 |
Seagram, Barbara & Lee, Ray | The Pocket Guide to Bridge | 2002 |
Seagram, Barbara & Smith, Marc | Twenty-Five Conventions You Should Know | 1999 |
Seagram, Barbara & Smith, Marc | Twenty-Five Ways to Compete in the Bidding | 2000 |
Seagram, Barbara & Stark, Andy | Four-Suit Transfers | 2004 |
Semp, Raymond | Bridge Squeezes Interpreted | 2002 |
Senior, Brian | The 1987 European Championships | 1987 |
Senior, Brian | 1997 World Bridge Championship Book | 1998 |
Senior, Brian | 1999 World Championship Book | 2000 |
Senior, Brian | The 2001 Zonal Championships | 2001 |
Senior, Brian | 2004 World Championship Book | 2004 |
Senior, Brian | 2005 World Championship Book | 2005 |
Senior, Brian | 2006 World Championship Book | 2006 |
Senior, Brian | The Amazing Book of Bridge | 1995 |
Senior, Brian | Balancing After I-Level Openings | 1986 |
Senior, Brian | Begin Declarer Play | 1985 |
Senior, Brian | Bread and Butter Bidding | 1991 |
Senior, Brian | Bread and Butter Bidding | 1997 |
Senior, Brian | Clever Bridge Tricks | 1988 |
Senior, Brian | Competitive Bidding | 2000 |
Senior, Brian | Defending Against Pre-Empts | 1984 |
Senior, Brian | Directing a Club Duplicate | 1990 |
Senior, Brian | Directing a Club Duplicate | 2000 |
Senior, Brian | First European Open Bridge Championships | 2003 |
Senior, Brian | The Forty-Seventh European Championships | 2004 |
Senior, Brian | The Forty-Third Generali European Championships | 1997 |
Senior, Brian | Fourth Suit Forcing | 1985 |
Senior, Brian | Hand Evaluation in Bridge | 1998 |
Senior, Brian | Improve Your Bridge/Spice Up Your Two Bids | 2001 |
Senior, Brian | The IPBM Book of the 1989 European Championships | 1989 |
Senior, Brian | It's Your Call | 2000 |
Senior, Brian | It's Your Lead | 1998 |
Senior, Brian | Master Counting | 1989 |
Senior, Brian | The Multi-Coloured 2d | 1982 |
Senior, Brian | Play These Hands with Brian Senior | 1996 |
Senior, Brian | Practise Your Cue Bidding | 1999 |
Senior, Brian | Practise Your Trump Coups | 2001 |
Senior, Brian | Raising Partner | 1994 |
Senior, Brian | Raising Partner | 1995 |
Senior, Brian | Step-By-Step: Card Play in Suits | 1994 |
Senior, Brian | Weak Two Bids | 1991 |
Senior, Brian | Weak Two- and Three- Level Openings At the World Championships/Held in Hammamet, Tunisia, 1997 | 2000 |
Senior, Brian & Brock, Sally | The Fifth World Junior Bridge Team Championships/Bali, Indonesia/July 8th-17th 1996 | 1995 |
Senior, Brian & Burn, David | The IPBM Book of the 1989 World Junior Team Championships | 1989 |
Senior, Brian & Elliott, John | The IPBM Book of the 1991 European Championships | 1991 |
Senior, Brian & Hackett, Jason | 1998 World Championship Book | 1999 |
Senior, Brian & Horton, Mark | The Forty-Second Generali European Championships | 1995 |
Senior, Brian & Robson, Andrew | Matchpoint Bidding | 1992 |
Senior, Nevena | Practise Your Asptro (A Defence to 1nt) | 1999 |
Sergeant, Roy L | Contract Bridge Illustrated | 1929 |
Seymour, Paul H | Simplified Bridge/Auction and Contract | 1929 |
Sharif, Omar | How to Play the Blue Team Club | 1970 |
Sharif, Omar | Play Bridge with Omar Sharif | 1990 |
Sharif, Omar | Play More Bridge with Omar Sharif | 1994 |
Sharif, Omar & Bird, David | Omar Sharif Talks Bridge | 2004 |
Sharpsteen, Harold | Key to Contract (Culbertson) | 1937 |
Sharpsteen, Harold | Key to the Culbertson System for 1935 Contract Bridge Including all Innovations | 1935 |
Sheehan, Robert | The Big Game | 1999 |
Sheehan, Robert | The Times Book of Bridge 1 | 1997 |
Sheehan, Robert | The Times Book of Bridge 2 | 1998 |
Sheehan, Robert & Brock, Sally | Bridge for Absolute Beginners | 2001 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | 1954 World Championship Book | 1954 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | 1956 World Championship Book | 1956 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge Play for Beginners | 1955 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge Play for Beginners | 1955 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge Play for Beginners | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge Players' Guide to Bidding | 1959 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge with Algy | 1997 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Complete Bridge Course | 1959 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Duplicate Bridge | 1954 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | First Book of Bridge | 1952 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Five Weeks to Winning Bridge | 1963 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Fourth Book of Bridge - How to Improve Your Game | 1956 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | How to Improve Your Bridge | 1971 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles No. 1 | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles No. 2 | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles No. 3 | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles No. 4 | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles No. 5 | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles No. 6 | 1970 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Second Book of Bridge - the Play of the Hand | 1953 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | A Short Cut to Winning Bridge | 1961 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Third Book of Bridge - How to Play and Bid in Duplicate tournament Bridge | 1954 |
Sheinwold, Patricia Fox | Husbands and Other Men I've Played with | 1976 |
Shelby, Annie Blanche | Bridge Abridged | 1906 |
Shenkin, Barnet | Playing with the Bridge Legends | 2000 |
Shepard, E V | Auction to Win | 1923 |
Shepard, E V | Contract Bridge Standardized | 1931 |
Shepard, E V | Correct Auction | 1920 |
Shepard, E V | Correct Contract Bridge | 1929 |
Shepard, E V | Correct Contract Bridge | 1930 |
Shepard, E V | Expert Auction | 1916 |
Shepard, E V | Scientific Auction Bridge | 1913 |
Shepard, E V | Win At Bridge | 1927 |
Shinner, Ernest Gardner | The Streamlined System of Contract Bridge | 1941 |
Shows, George a | Slam Bidding | 1987 |
Shuman, Kerri | Drury (Championship Bridge Series No. 22) | 1981 |
Shurlock, Harold Matthew | The Laws of Contract Bridge Explained | 1965 |
Sibbett, Cecil James | The Rubaiyat of Bridge | 1953 |
Silberstang, Edwin | Handbook of Winning Bridge | 1995 |
Silberstang, Edwin | Handbook of Winning Bridge | 2003 |
Silberstang, Edwin | Play Bridge tonight | 1976 |
Silodor, Sidney | Silodor Says, the Grand Slam of Bridge Literature | 1961 |
Silodor, Sidney & Tierney, John a | Contract Bridge According to Silodor and Tierney | 1961 |
Silver, David | A Study in Silver | 1998 |
Silver, David | Tales Out of School | 1995 |
Silver, David & Bourke, Tim | Bridge the Silver Way | 2000 |
Silver, David & Bourke, Tim | The Naked Bridge Player and Other Stories | 2006 |
Silverman, Shirley | Advanced and Duplicate Bridge Student Text | 1977 |
Silverman, Shirley | Advanced and Duplicate Bridge Student Text | 1996 |
Silverman, Shirley | Chicago Bridge | 1997 |
Silverman, Shirley | Elementary Five Card Major Student Text | 1976 |
Silverman, Shirley | Elementary Five Card Major Student Text | 1996 |
Silverman, Shirley | Five Card Major Teacher's Manual | 1976 |
Silverman, Shirley | Intermediate Bridge Five Card Major Student Text | 1977 |
Silverman, Shirley | Intermediate Bridge Five Card Major Student Text | 1996 |
Silverman, Shirley | Play of the Hand As Declarer and Defender | 1980 |
Silverman, Shirley | Play of the Hand As Declarer and Defender | 1996 |
Silverman, Shirley | Play of the Hand Lesson Plans | 1981 |
Silverman, Shirley & Silverman, Harry | Summary of the Laws of Contract Bridge for the Social Bridge Player | 2000 |
Simmelkjaer, Harold Eustace | Handbook On the Theory and Play of Championship Contract Bridge | 1952 |
Simon, S J | Cut for Partners | 1956 |
Simon, S J | Cut for Partners | 1995 |
Simon, S J | Design for Bidding | 1949 |
Simon, S J | Design for Bidding | 1951 |
Simon, S J | Why You Lose At Bridge | 1945 |
Simon, S J | Why You Lose At Bridge | 1947 |
Simon, S J | Why You Lose At Bridge | 1961 |
Simonton, Sue Gunning | Auction Bridge Made Easy | 1923 |
Simpson, L W | The Revised Nottingham Club | 1980 |
Sims, Dorothy Rice | Psychic Bidding | 1932 |
Sims, P Hal | Master Contract (Uk) | 1933 |
Sims, P Hal | Money Contract | 1932 |
Sims, P Hal | The Sims Summary of Money Contract | 1933 |
Singer, George & Wallace, Meredith & Theimer, Ernst | Shrinks' Contract Bridge | 1985 |
Slawinski, Lukasz | The Singleton System 'Delta' | 1979 |
Slawinski, Lukasz | Systems in Defence | 1983 |
Slawinski, Lukasz & Ruminski, Stanislaw | Systems of Weak Opening Bids - New Ways of Showing the Distributional Values - Regres System | 1974 |
Slawinski, Lukasz & Ruminski, Stanislaw | Weak Openings System and Regres System | 1976 |
Smith, Arthur Joseph | Contract Chronicles | 1936 |
Smith, Arthur Joseph | Handbook of Safety Plays | 1954 |
Smith, Arthur Joseph | The Vienna System of Bidding | 1942 |
Smith, Curtis K | Bidding Through Logic | 1964 |
Smith, Curtis K | Bidding Through Logic/Completely Updated and Conventionalized | 1981 |
Smith, F D & Braham, Vivian Geoffrey | Victorian Blackwood Slam Convention | 1939 |
Smith, Forrest G | The Elementary Squeeze | 1989 |
Smith, Forrest G | Sixty Hands: Through the Mind of Declarer | 1989 |
Smith, Herbert Bell | Mae B. Rongg's Illustrated History of Duplicate Bridge | 1975 |
Smith, Marc | Bridge Cardplay /Attack & Defence | 2000 |
Smith, Marc | Enterprising Tales | 1990 |
Smith, Marc | Man Vs Machine | 1999 |
Smith, Marc | Practise Your Overcalling | 2000 |
Smith, Marc | Practise Your Trial Bids | 2001 |
Smith, Marc | World Class: Conversations with Bridge Masters | 1999 |
Smith, Melville | Advanced Contract Bridge Up-To-Date | 1933 |
Smith, Melville | Auction Bridge Up-To-Date | 1932 |
Smith, Melville | Contract Bridge Up-To-Date | 1932 |
Smith, Melville | Contract Bridge Up-To-Date | 1933 |
Smith, Nick | Bridge Literature | 1993 |
Smith, Richard V | Let's Play Bridge/A Guide to Understanding Contract Bridge | 1987 |
Smith, tom (Thomas M) | 1972 World Championship Book | 1972 |
Smith, tom (Thomas M) | Opening Leads in Bridge | 1969 |
Smith, tom (Thomas M) | Winning Play At Bridge | 1969 |
Smith, Victor R | Contract Bridge Simplified | 1930 |
Smith, Victor R | The Distributional System of Contract Bridge | 1932 |
Smith, Victor R | The Play of the Cards At Contract | 1937 |
Smolski, Roman | Defences to 1nt | 1982 |
Smolski, Roman | Defences to 1nt | 1991 |
Smyth, G M Watson | Basic Bridge | 1940 |
Sobel, Helen | All the Tricks | 1949 |
Sohl, Jerry | Underhanded Bridge - a Hilarious Handbook of Devious Diversions and Strategems for Winning Bridge | 1975 |
Solomon, Charles J | No Trump Bidding | 1947 |
Solomon, Charles J & Disbrow, Bennett L | How to Bid and What to Lead | 1953 |
Solomon, Charles J & Disbrow, Bennett L | Slam Bidding and Point Count | 1951 |
Solomon, Charles J & Wilson, Bert (Bertram S) | Hold Our Bridge Hands | 1969 |
Soloway, Paul | The Stayman Convention (Championship Bridge Series No. 3) | 1979 |
Solus (A B Watkinson) | Auction Bridge Up-To-Date | 1926 |
Sontag, Alan | The Bridge Bum | 1977 |
Sontag, Alan | The Bridge Bum | 2003 |
Sontag, Alan | One No Trump Forcing (Championship Bridge Series No. 20) | 1981 |
Sontag, Alan | Power Precision | 1979 |
Sontag, Alan & Steinberg, Peter | Improve Your Bridge - Fast | 1982 |
Sowter, Sally | Transfers After One No-Trump | 1980 |
Sowter, tony | 1990 World Championship Book | 1991 |
Sowter, tony | 1991 World Championship Book | 1992 |
Sowter, tony | 1992 World Championship Book | 1993 |
Sowter, tony | 1993 World Championship Book | 1994 |
Sowter, tony | 1994 World Championship Book | 1995 |
Sowter, tony | Bridge: Improve Your Defence | 1979 |
Sowter, tony | The First IPBM Book of Bidding Hands | 1984 |
Sowter, tony | First IPBM Book of Play Problems | 1984 |
Sowter, tony | Improve Your Defence | 1986 |
Sowter, tony | The IPBM Book of Suit Combinations | 1984 |
Sowter, tony | It's Your Bid/How to Play Bridge | 1998 |
Sowter, tony | Opening Leads in Bridge | 1998 |
Sowter, tony | Step-By-Step Competitive Bidding | 1996 |
Sowter, tony | Step-By-Step: Constructive Bidding | 1994 |
Sowter, tony | The Take-Out Double | 1983 |
Sowter, tony | Your First Twenty Deals | 2000 |
Spiro, Richard C | Twenty Minutes to Duplicate Bridge | 1965 |
Squire, Norman | Beginner's Guide to Bridge | 1971 |
Squire, Norman | Bidding At Bridge | 1964 |
Squire, Norman | Contract Bridge/Bidding today | 1976 |
Squire, Norman | Contract Bridge/Card Play Technique | 1976 |
Squire, Norman | Contract Bridge/How to Become a Champion | 1974 |
Squire, Norman | Contract Bridge/Squeeze Play Simplified | 1979 |
Squire, Norman | Contract Bridge/The Theory of Bidding | 1979 |
Squire, Norman | A Guide to Bridge Conventions | 1958 |
Squire, Norman | The Theory of Bidding | 1957 |
Squire, Norman & Harrison-Gray, Maurice | Winning Points At Match Point Bridge | 1959 |
Stallard, M Berl | Bridgette: the Cut and Dried Bidding System | 1967 |
Stallard, M Berl | Stallard's Say Bridge Is the Better Part of all Card Games/Learn to Play 'Instantly'/Including Play of the Cards | 1982 |
Stallard, M Berl & Stallard, Helen M | Bridge for Two Or Three Players | 1978 |
Stallard, M Berl & Stallard, Helen M | First Up: "International" Bridge Bidding Winner | 1974 |
Stallard, M Berl & Stallard, Helen M | Stallard's First Up/ "International" Bridge Bidding | 1977 |
Staples, Thomas L | The Heart of Contract Bridge | 1929 |
Stark, Andy | The Weak Notrump | 2006 |
Stayman, Samuel M | The Complete Stayman System of Contract Bidding | 1956 |
Stayman, Samuel M | The Complete Stayman System of Contract Bidding | 1956 |
Stayman, Samuel M | Do You Play Stayman? | 1965 |
Stayman, Samuel M | Do You Play Stayman? | 1969 |
Stayman, Samuel M | Expert Bidding At Contract Bridge | 1951 |
Stayman, Samuel M | Expert Bidding At Contract Bridge | 1952 |
Steel, Christopher | The Theory of Modern Contract | 1934 |
Steinberg, Peter | Play Bridge in Four Hours | 1978 |
Stern, Milton Leo | Expert Bridge | 1978 |
Stern, Paul | Beating the Culbertsons/How the Austrians Won the World Contract Bridge Championship | 1938 |
Stern, Paul | The Stern Austrian System | 1938 |
Stern, Paul & Smith, Arthur Joseph | Sorry Partner | 1945 |
Stern, Paul & Smith, Arthur Joseph & Hart, Norman De Villiers | The Vienna System of Contract Bridge | 1947 |
Stern, Paul & Smith, Arthur Joseph & Hart, Norman De Villiers | The Vienna System of Contract Bridge | 1948 |
Sternlicht, Elliot | Don't Be a Dummy | 2002 |
Stewart, Frank | Becoming a Bridge Expert | 2001 |
Stewart, Frank | Better Bridge for the Advancing Player - an Introduction to Constructive Thinking At the Bridge Table | 1984 |
Stewart, Frank | The Bidders Bible/How to Reach Winning Contracts At Bridge | 1994 |
Stewart, Frank | Bridge Abridged/A Pocket Guide to Good Bidding and Play | 1993 |
Stewart, Frank | The Bridge Players Comprehensive Guide to Defense | 1990 |
Stewart, Frank | The Bridge today One Thousand and One Workbook | 1990 |
Stewart, Frank | A Christmas Stocking | 1985 |
Stewart, Frank | Frank Stewart's Bridge Club | 2003 |
Stewart, Frank | My Bridge and Yours | 1992 |
Stewart, Frank | Two Minute Bridge Tips | 1992 |
Stewart, Frank | Two Minute Bridge Tips | 1995 |
Stewart, Frank & Baron, Randy | The Bridge Book/Volume 1/For Beginning Players | 1988 |
Stewart, Frank & Baron, Randy | The Bridge Book/Volume 2/ for Intermediate Players | 1988 |
Stewart, Frank & Baron, Randy | The Bridge Book/Volume 3/For Advanced Players | 1989 |
Stewart, Frank & Baron, Randy | The Bridge Book/Volume 4/ Defensive Play | 1990 |
Stoddard, Susan & Winkler, Larry James | Running from A Double | 1972 |
Stokes, H F Scott | Pons Asinorum, Or Bridge Without Brains - the Amateur Game | 1962 |
Street, Charles Stuart | Bridge Up-To-Date | 1902 |
Street, Charles Stuart | Good Bridge | 1907 |
Street, Charles Stuart | Street On Auction | 1913 |
Street, Charles Stuart | Street On Contract | 1928 |
Stuart, Hubert | Six-Handed Bridge | 1907 |
Stupica (Joe Lawence), Joe L | Trick Bidding - the Pompano Club | 1967 |
Sullivan, M J & Williams, Robert E | Australian Jubilee Year 1951 World Olympiad | 1951 |
Swanson, John | Inside the Bermuda Bowl | 1998 |
Swanson, Mike | Practise Your Splinter Bids | 1997 |
Sydnor, Caroline | Bridge Made Easy | 1986 |
Sydnor, Caroline | Bridge Made Easy/Book Four/How to Set Your Opponents | 1992 |
Sydnor, Caroline | Bridge Made Easy/Book Three/How to Win More Tricks | 1986 |
Sydnor, Caroline | Bridge Made Easy/Book Three/How to Win More Tricks | 1991 |
Sydnor, Caroline | Bridge Made Easy/Book Two for Intermediates | 1992 |
Sydnor, Caroline | Bridge Made Easy/Volume II for Intermediates | 1977 |
Sydnor, Caroline | A Flash Card of Bidding and Play | 1976 |
Sykes, Brigadier-General C a | The Bridge Mind | 1924 |