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Cade, Laurence HerbertCommonsense Contract1933
Cameron, Judson JCheating At Bridge1973
Campbell, Horace WilbertFundamentals of Contract Bridge1946
Cappelletti, MikeOne Hundred Bridge Problems - Using Poker Tactics in Contract Bridge2004
Cappelletti, Mike & Lewis, Edwin R (Ed)Cappeletti Over One Notrump1989
Cappelletti, Mike & Lewis, Edwin R (Ed)Cappeletti Over One-Of-A-Major Doubled (C/1mx)1990
Card SchoolThe Biggest Little Bridge Book in the World1958
Card SchoolThe Biggest Little Bridge Book in the World1961
Card SchoolThe Biggest Little Bridge Book in the World1966
Carew, Mrs Thomas Palk (Phyllis Evelyn)Contract Calls Simplified1931
Carmichael, tom & Seidler, BlairCarnage System Notes2006
Carrington, HerewardBridge Simplified, a Book for Beginners1928
Carson, Harold a H (Harry)The Economy of Auction Bridge1926
Cashmore, StephenPractise Your Finessing1999
Cashmore, Stephen & Corfield, JustinWhy They Win2009
Cayley, Frank (Henry Francis)Bridge Play Made Easy1980
Cayley, Frank (Henry Francis)Contract Bridge/Bidding1969
Cayley, Frank (Henry Francis)Contract Bridge/Play1978
Cayley, Frank (Henry Francis)Modern Contract Bridge1933
Cayley, Frank (Henry Francis)Pocket Guide to Opening Leads1975
Cederborg, Warren & Farell, Mary JaneCoffee with Mary Jane Farell1974
Chaffin, John HAdversary Bridge/ Bidding and Play for Intermediate Players1992
Chaffin, John HThe Middle Range of the Bridge Bidding System/Ten Lessons1992
Chaffin, John HTen Lessons On First Round Bidding for Intermediate Level Players1992
Chatterjee, Shome NathPlay Super Bridge1993
Chua, CathyFair Play Or Foul?1998
Chua, CathyThe History of Australian Bridge1993
Chubb, Edith Taft & Johnson, Laurence BTest Your Bids in Contract1931
Churchill, S GartonChurchill Natural Bidding Style At Contract Bridge: Bid Successfully Without Artificial Conventions1979
Churchill, S Garton & Ferguson, Albert BContract Bidding Tactics At Matchpoint Play1936
Cioffi, RaphaelBridge Endings1953
Clark, CumberlandThe Humours of Bridge1926
Clark, FrankFifty Classic Bridge Hands Played At Tavistock1999
Clark, Harriet PickertRoyal Auction Bridge Up-To-Date1913
Clark, Harriet PickertRoyal Auction Bridge Up-To-Date/Including Nullos1914
Clark, MorrisThe Four Leafed Club1983
Clay, JohnCulbertson: the Man Who Made Contract Bridge1985
Clay, JohnTales from the Bridge Table: Contract Bridge 1925 to 19951998
Cobb, Ruth SCobb to Win/Contract Bridge for the Beginner1934
Cochran, Thomas CAuction Bridge Handbook1926
Coffin, Charles EmmetThe Gist of Auction Bridge1917
Coffin, George SturgisAcol and the New Point Count1953
Coffin, George SturgisAcol and the New Point Count1958
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Director's Logistics for Duplicate Games1981
Coffin, George SturgisBridge for Three1955
Coffin, George SturgisBridge On Deck1960
Coffin, George SturgisBridge On Deck1964
Coffin, George SturgisBridge On Deck1969
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Perfect Plays and Matchpoint Ways (Sure Tricks)1973
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Play Four Classics1975
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Play from A to Z (ABC and Xyz of Play)1954
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Play from A to Z (ABC and Xyz of Play)1961
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Summary Complete1964
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Twenty-Four\/A Bridge Director's Manual with Table Guide Cards to Play 24 Boards1978
Coffin, George SturgisBridge Writer's Manual1974
Coffin, George SturgisCanape Bidding1960
Coffin, George SturgisCanape Club System1965
Coffin, George SturgisCoffin's Contract Calculator for Duplicate Bridge1970
Coffin, George SturgisContract Bridge for Three1956
Coffin, George SturgisDouble Dummy Bridge/The Complete Book of Endplays1967
Coffin, George SturgisEndplays1938
Coffin, George SturgisEndplays1950
Coffin, George SturgisEndplays1957
Coffin, George SturgisEndplays At Bridge Explained1932
Coffin, George SturgisEndplays in Bridge1981
Coffin, George SturgisInstant Matchpoints (Imp) for Pair Games1969
Coffin, George SturgisLearn Bridge the Easy Way1950
Coffin, George SturgisLittle Drill Book/George Coffin's Bridge Quizzes for Use with Bridge On Deck1961
Coffin, George SturgisNatural Big Club1969
Coffin, George SturgisPocket Self-Teacher of Contract Bidding Based On the New 1935 Culbertson System1935
Coffin, George SturgisSure Tricks1952
Coffin, George SturgisTriangle Contract1934
Coffin, George SturgisThe Weak Notrump1956
Coffin, Kay (Kathryne P)The ABC's of the Official System of Contract Bridge and the Play of the Hand1932
Cohen, BenBridge Quiz1960
Cohen, BenCardograms - a Composite Exercise in Bridge, Solo and Whist1960
Cohen, BenChange to Acol1953
Cohen, BenChange to Acol1957
Cohen, BenPlaying Better Bridge1964
Cohen, BenTest Your Bridge1962
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaThe ABC of Contract Bridge1964
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaThe ABC of Contract Bridge1964
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaAcol Quiz1963
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaAcol Without Tears1962
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaAll About Acol1969
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaBasic Acol1962
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaBasic Acol1968
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaBidding Better Bridge - Acol for Americans1965
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaThe Bridge Players Encyclopedia1967
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaCalling a Spade a Spade1965
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaContract Bridge1965
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaConventions Made Clear1966
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaOpening Leads to Better Bridge1964
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaYour Lead, Partner1964
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, RhodaYour Lead, Partner1969
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaAll About Acol1976
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaAll About Acol1978
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaAll About Acol1993
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaBasic Acol1993
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaContract Bridge for Beginners1974
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaCurrent Conventions Made Clear1973
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, RhodaYour Lead, Partner1983
Cohen, Ben & Reese, TerenceThe Acol System of Contract Bridge1946
Cohen, Ben & Reese, TerenceThe Acol System of Contract Bridge1956
Cohen, LarryFollowing the Law/The total Tricks Sequel1994
Cohen, LarryIntroduction to the Law1997
Cohen, LarryMy Favorite Fifty-Two: Larry Cohen's Best Bridge Deals2009
Cohen, LarryTo Bid Or Not to Bid1993
Cohen, Larry & Davis, LizBridge Below the Belt1997
Cohen, Lawrence & Sundby, Robert D & Katz, Dick (Richard H)Breakthrough in Bridge1974
Cohen, Ruth MThe Elements of Play1961
Cohen, Ruth M & Silverman, ShirleyContract Bridge/Point Count Bidding Guide1976
Cohen, toniLogic Puzzles for Bridge Players1990
Cohn, Judy (Judith A) & Fink, JerryPower Defensive Carding1988
Colchamiro, MelHow You Can Play Like an Expert2007
Cole, Bill (William David)Fishheads1991
Cole, Eugene RogerGrand Slam/13 Great Short Stories About Bridge1975
Colker, Rich (Richard E)Albuquerque/High Plains Drifters/Appeals At the 1997 Summer NABC1998
Colker, Rich (Richard E)Dallas: They Fought the Law/Big Deal in Big D/Appeals At the 1997 Spring Nabc...1998
Colker, Rich (Richard E)... Looped in Chicago/Appeals At the 1998 Summer NABC Plus Cases from the 1998 Itt1998
Colker, Rich (Richard E)Mickey Mouse (And Goofy) Happenings in Orlando/Appeals At the 1998 Fall NABC1999
Colker, Rich (Richard E)St Louis, Misery/Appeals At the 1997 Fall Nabc.1998
Colker, Rich (Richard E)The Streets of San Francisco/Appeals At the 1996 Fall NABC1997
Colker, Rich (Richard E) & Trent, LindaAlabama Drama/Appeals At the 2000 Fall NABC2001
Colker, Rich (Richard E) & Trent, LindaAll That ('Appealing') Jazz/New Orleands NABC 2003/Appeals At the 2003 Fall Nabcg2004
Colker, Rich (Richard E) & Trent, LindaAnaheim Angels? -Not Exactly/Appeals At the 2000 Summer NABC2001
Colker, Rich (Richard E) & Trent, LindaBeached in Long Beach/Appeals At the 2003 Summer NABC Plus Cases from the 2003...2004
Collins, James HenryThe Archer System1955
Conot, RobertPattern Relay Organised System1967
Cook, Dorothy JaneCook and Deal1982
Cook, Dorothy JaneCook and Deal1993
Cook, Dorothy JaneLearn to Play Winning Bridge1962
Cook, MaryConfessions of A Bridge Addict1979
Cooper (Lucille Place), JoanBridge Basics1976
Cooper, ScottSequential Play in Bridge/Listen! Look! Think!2005
Corbett, AndreaPassionate Obsession1990
Corn Jr, IraPlay Bridge with the Aces1972
Corn Jr, IraPlay Bridge with the Aces1973
Cotter, Edmond Patrick CharlesContract Bridge1975
Cotter, Edmond Patrick CharlesTackle Bridge1973
Cotter, Edmond Patrick CharlesTackle Contract Bridge This Way1962
Cotter, Edmond Patrick CharlesTeach Yourself Contract Bridge1969
Cotter, Edmond Patrick Charles & Rimington, Derek C WBridge Play Technique1988
Cotter, Edmond Patrick Charles & Rimington, Derek C WBridge Quiz from A New Angle1972
Cotter, Edmond Patrick Charles & Rimington, Derek C WThe Country Life Book of Bridge Play Technique1982
Cotter, Edmond Patrick Charles & Rimington, Derek C WFinancial Times Book of Bridge1977
Cotter, Edmond Patrick Charles & Rimington, Derek C WFinancial Times Book of Bridge1995
Courtenay, F DudleyThe Standard Manual of Play in Self-Teacher Question and Answer Form1938
Courtenay, F DudleyStandardised Contract Bridge Complete/How to Bid/How to Play/How to Win/Standard Until 19471941
Courtenay, F DudleyThe Standardized Code of Contract Bridge Bidding1937
Courtenay, F DudleyThe System the Experts Play1934
Courtenay, F Dudley & Brannon, Robert MeansContract Bridge Simplified1932
Courtenay, F Dudley & Brannon, Robert MeansContract Bridge Simplified for 19331933
Courtenay, F Dudley & Courtenay, Mrs Amy DuryeeContract Bridge/Learn to Play the Easy Way/Book No 1 of A Series/Preliminaries for Beginners1954
Courtenay, F Dudley & Courtenay, Mrs Amy DuryeeContract Bridge/Learn to Play the Easy Way/Book No 2 of A Series/Laws and Penalties, Etiquette of the Game, Glossary...1954
Courtenay, F Dudley & Courtenay, Mrs Amy DuryeeContract Bridge/Learn to Play the Easy Way/Book No 3 of A Series/All You Need to Know On the Subject of Bidding1954
Courtenay, F Dudley & Courtenay, Mrs Amy DuryeeContract Bridge/Learn to Play the Easy Way/Book No 4 of A Series/All You Need to Know On the Subject of the Play of the Hand1954
Courtenay, F Dudley & Courtenay, Mrs Amy DuryeeContract Bridge/Learn to Play the Easy Way/Book No 5 of A Series/All You Need to Know On the Subject of Leads and Defensive1954
Courtenay, F Dudley & Courtenay, Mrs Amy DuryeeThe Students Self-Teacher On Bidding and Play1935
Courtenay, F Dudley & Gracy, Leonard RiderElective Contract1935
Courtenay, F Dudley & Walshe, George Gordon JThe Losing Trick Count1937
Courtenay, F Dudley & Walshe, George Gordon JThe Losing Trick Count1947
Courtney, MichaelPlay Cards with Tim Seres1995
Cowan, RichardHand Evaluation in the Game of Contract Bridge1987
Cox, Jean BBridge with Jean Cox - the Bidding1963
Cox, Jean BBridge with Jean Cox - the Bidding1970
Cox, Jean BBridge with Jean Cox - the Play1964
Cox, Jean BBridge with Jean Cox - the Play1970
Cox, Mrs Spencer & Meldon, W WContract Bridge/The Combined Count1936
Cox, NicolaBridge Player's Supper Book1995
Crane, JoshuaCommon Sense in Contract Bidding1936
Crane, JoshuaThe Crane System of Contract Bidding1937
Crane, JoshuaThe Crane System of Modern Contract Bidding1948
Crawford, John R & Karpin, Fred LCrawford's Contract Bridge1953
Crawford, RichardMen, Women and Bridge1978
Crawford, RichardPeople Play Bridge1976
Criticus (Judge Edward Keays)Contract Simplicitas1933
Cromelin, Paul LBridge Is Beautiful1977
Crowhurst, EricAcol in Competition1980
Crowhurst, EricAcol Index2000
Crowhurst, EricPractise Your Crowhurst Two Clubs1997
Crowhurst, EricPrecision Bidding in Acol1974
Crowhurst, EricSummary of the Acol System of Contract Bridge1994
Crowhurst, Eric & Kambites, AndrewUnderstanding Acol1990
Crowhurst, Eric & Kambites, AndrewUnderstanding Acol1997
Culbertson, ElyThe 1932 World Bridge Olympic Hands1932
Culbertson, ElyAbout Bridge/ /Instruction in Bidding and Play1934
Culbertson, ElyBidding and Play in Duplicate Contract Bridge1951
Culbertson, ElyThe Bridge World/Volume 25, October 1953 - September 19541969
Culbertson, ElyBritain V. America/Contract Bridge Championship of 19331933
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge1932
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge At a Glance/Culbertson's Own Summary1932
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge At a Glance/Culbertson's Own Summary of 19331933
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Blue Book1931
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Blue Book1932
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Blue Book of 19331933
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Blue Book: 1934 Edition1933
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Complete1954
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Complete1965
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Complete/The Gold Book of Bidding and Play1936
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Complete/The New Gold Book of Bidding and Play1938
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Complete/The New Gold Book of Bidding and Play1947
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge for Auction Players1932
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge for Everyone1948
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge for Everyone1949
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge for Everyone1949
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Red Book On Play1934
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Self-Teacher1941
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Self-Teacher1941
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Self-Teacher1943
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Self-Teacher1949
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Self-Teacher1949
Culbertson, ElyContract Bridge Self-Teacher1954
Culbertson, ElyContract in Ten Minutes1932
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson Point-Count Bidding/Improved and Simplifed Four-Three-Two-One with New Rule of Three and Four1954
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Complete Summary of Contract Bridge1952
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's New and Complete Summary of Contract Bridge1935
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's New and Complete Summary of Contract Bridge1954
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Own Contract Bridge Self-Teacher1933
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Own Contract Bridge Self-Teacher1933
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Own New Contract Bridge Self-Teacher1938
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Own Summary1933
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Summary of 1933/Contract Bridge At a Glance1933
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Summary of Contract Bridge1937
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Summary of Contract Bridge1941
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Summary of Contract Bridge1947
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Summary/Contract Bridge1941
Culbertson, ElyCulbertson's Summary/Contract Bridge At a Glance1931
Culbertson, ElyThe Encyclopedia of Bridge1935
Culbertson, ElyHow to Lead and Play Self-Instructor1934
Culbertson, ElyInstruction in Bidding and Play1935
Culbertson, ElyThe New Gold Book: Contract Bridge Complete 19411941
Culbertson, ElyThe New Gold Book: Contract Bridge Complete1945
Culbertson, ElyThe Official Book of Contract Bridge1941
Culbertson, ElyThe Official Book of Contract Bridge1944
Culbertson, ElyThe Official Book of Contract Bridge1946
Culbertson, ElySixty Contract Lesson Hands Illustrating Correct Bidding and Play1933
Culbertson, ElyThe Strange Lives of One Man1940
Culbertson, ElyThree Hundred Contract Bridge Hands/The First World Championship for the Charles M Schwab Trophy1933
Culbertson, Ely & Reese, TerenceCulbertson's Complete Summary of Contract Bridge1963
Culbertson, Ely & Von Zedtwitz, Waldemar K & Lightner, Theodore Alexander & Culbertson, JosephineFamous Hands of the Culbertson-Lenz Match1932
Culbertson, Ely & Webster, H TThe Culbertson Webster Contract System1933
Culbertson, JosephineContract Bridge for Beginners1943
Culbertson, JosephineContract Bridge Made Easy the New Point Count Way1955
Culbertson, JosephineContract Bridge Made Easy the New Point Count Way1971
Culbertson, JosephineCulbertson's Contract in Ten Minutes1937
Culbertson, JosephineCulbertson's Contract in Ten Minutes1940
Cummings, Dick (Richard John)Australia At the World Bridge Olympiad/New York, May 1964/A Personal Report1964
Cummings, Dick (Richard John)The Cummings Collection: Bridge Columns Written by Dick Cummings for the Sydney Morning Herald and the Sun-Herald2001
Cummings, Dick (Richard John) & Smilde, Roelof & Howard, DenisThe Australian Open Team At the Third World Bridge Olympiad/Deauville 19681968
Cut-Cavendish (Arthur E Mainwaring)The Complete Bridge Player1905
Cut-Cavendish (Arthur E Mainwaring)The Game of Bridge1909
Cut-Cavendish (Arthur E Mainwaring)How to Win At Auction Bridge (Royal Spades)1913
Cut-Cavendish (Arthur E Mainwaring)How to Win At Royal Auction Bridge1916
Cut-Cavendish (Arthur E Mainwaring)How to Win At Royal Auction Bridge with a Chapter On Contract Bridge by George Dilnot1920
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